Built for today's remote workforce
Take the stress out of worrying about your remote employees' unsafe digital environments or cyber habits. eSure.AI follows and monitors the digital activity of anyone working within your organization, anywhere they may be.

Stop Insider Threats

Monitor User Activity

Maximize Productivity

Any Location

Behavior is everything
Our advanced, real-time User Behavioral Analytics (UBA) continuously monitors user account logins, network connections, and file interactions to create a detailed baseline behaviour profile for each of your employees. This helps identify any out of normal activity associated with that user.
Know what's up
Get a feel for what your employees are up to while on the clock. Customize, flag and prevent suspicious behavior patterns, such as connecting to resources at irregular times, accessing resources outside of your business's domain, or uploading/downloading unauthorized files.

Keep them on track
Monitor and prevent employee activities like uploading files to cloud services, watching YouTube or hitting up streaming services like Netflix during working hours. This improves employee productivity while significantly reducing your cyber risk.
Stop the spread
Continuously monitor all your business's network traffic, including networks your remote workers are using, and prevent unauthorized data from being transferred or stolen from your employees' computers.

Total security for everyone, anywhere
Pinpoint suspicious activity that indicates an attacker is attempting to infiltrate your systems by focusing on what your remote workers are doing, wherever they are. Real-time monitoring of all user interactions helps you and your employees avoid and stop threats instantly.

Anomalous Login
User is logged in to his laptop and logs in to a sensitive database.

New VPN Connection
User remotely logs in to a file server via VPN for the first time.

Multiple Concurrent Connections
User is logged in to multiple resources within a short timeframe.

Off Hours SAAS Login
User that typically works on an on-prem desktop logs in remotely to the organization's Dropbox.
Get the full access picture
Cyber criminals hack user accounts and compromise user identities to steal valuable data. Define your employee access patterns and monitor first-time logins to resources, logins outside of working hours, or logins to multiple machines within a short timeframe to nix compromised user identities.

Active Policy
Employee access patterns are defined into an active policy

User Verification
eSure.AI sends a verification message automatically via phone or email to validate the login nature and avoid false positives

eSure.AI triggers an alert on compromised user identity, and the user account is automatically disabled.
Never again fly blind
Seamlessly protect your business and the people who help run it no matter where they are, with true security on-the-go.